Musings and misadventures of an expat enterpreneur

Calling SOAP APIs from Rust

anelson August 10, 2024 #rust #soap #nightmare

Approximately 15 years ago, I was running the engineering team at AppAssure Software, working on what was at the time a cutting-edge new feature: the ability to restore our backups of your physical servers, to a VMWare virtual machine! This required solving many challenging problems, not least being figuring out the ways in which your Windows install had to be manipulated to ensure it would properly boot into a guest VM when it had spent its life up to that point inhabiting a physical Dell or HP or Supermicro server. However, such low-level technical challenges paled in comparison to the horror of integrating with the VMWare vSphere SOAP API!

I can’t remember every hard thing I did over my long career, but that VMWare API integration stands out for how much of a slog it was. So you can imagine my surprise when I found myself, in 2024, working on a cutting-edge new feature for my current company (Elastio Software), and I once again needed to programmatically control a VMWare ESXi hypervisor, this time from Rust.

I figured “obviously 15 years have passed, it’ll be a nice REST API now, probably with OpenAPI definitions, this should take a day or two to get working”. As I started to dig into the VMWare documentation, I was shocked to find that the diabolical SOAP API from all those years ago is still the primary way to interact with VMWare vSphere! VMWare have since published Python and Go SDKs to wrap the worst of its many excesses, and the docs are quite a bit better now, but it’s still a SOAP API, with a WSDL definition, and all the attendant complexity that implies!

In my travels through the VMWare docs (made harder by the recent Broadcom acquisition which summarily broke all URLs) I noticed that there is the beginnings of a REST/JSON based API, but it’s new in ESXi 8, and what I’m doing needs to work with 7.x as well, so I’m stuck with SOAP.

This led me to look around for SOAP implementations in Rust. Not surprisingly, it’s slim pickings. If you’re even a little bit younger than me you probably don’t even know what SOAP is, but even if you do, you probably never once thought to yourself “you know what, it would be fun to write the first and only SOAP client implementation in Rust!” I certainly didn’t. Why spend energy and time on something that is so obviously a dead end, something that manifests the worst of early 2000’s architecture astronaughtics and object-oriented excess?

I’m pleased to report that someone at least took a crack at it, albeit with a number of limitations:

Github user mibes wrote zeep, which conceptually is a bit like PROST, Rust’s protobuf library. You feed Prost a .proto file describing a Protobuf schema, and it generates some Rust files with structs that correspond to the PB messages, and can serialize/deserialize to/from Protobuf. Zeep does the same, except it’s input is a WSDL or XSD schema file, and it generates Rust code that can serialize/deserialize to/from the XML types that are defined therein.

Unlike Prost, Zeep does attempt to generate SOAP client code.

I was able to invoke Zeep from pretty easily, but when I fed it the insanely huge VMWare vSphere WSDL, it failed in a few unfortunate ways:

I tried to work around some of these by writing some Rust code using the syn crate to parse the generated Rust and then modify it to hack around some of the flaws in the generated code, but with each horrific and depraved act I hated myself more, and only uncovered yet more flaws in the generated code.

I then thought I’d take a different approach, and use the xml-schema crate from media-io to generate just the Rust structs that correspond to the XML types in the XSD, and then write the SOAP client code myself. This, sadly, was also a failed experiment. First I manually extracted the XSD type definitions from the WSDL XML, and combined it with type definitions in the other XSD files that the WSDL file includes, into one big hairy ball of XSD that I could later on sell to a hostile regime as a bioweapon. I then tried to get xml-schema to generate Rust structs from this XSD, but ultimately it failed in similar ways.

On the plus side, as a result of my experiments with Zeep and xml-schema, I had a bunch of Rust structs that sort-of resembled the XSD types. I say “a bunch”; I am not exaggerating. The WSDL and XSD files that define the vSphere SOAP API are almost 6MB of XML. The generated Rust structs were in a single .rs file that was 9MB large!!! Neither rust-analyzer nor rustc were amused in the slightest by this abomination, and I wouldn’t say it was my proudest moment either. Compile times were miserable, my Neovim editing experience was almost as bad as mid-2000s Eclipse, I still didn’t have types I could actually use with the real SOAP API due to the aforementioned limitations.

The one advantage I had this time compared to the integration I build 15 years ago was that this time I only needed to use a tiny fraction of the API. Enough that I could probably hand-roll the structures I needed, using the ones generated by zeep as the starting point. It would be a bit tedious, but compared to forking Zeep and fixing the issues there it would be much faster (and, yes, more selfish).

Over a couple of late nights, wove an intricate tapestry of profanity as inscrutable and arcane as SOAP itself, and I also got a working SOAP client implementation going. Maybe someday we’ll open-source the code, but then someone might see it and judge me for the horrible things I had to do, but you weren’t there and you don’t know what it was like so don’t judge me!

If you are reading this because you are faced with a similar situation, I have the following advice:

To the authors of the zeep and xml-schema projects, I salute you for your efforts, and I hope that you are masochistic enough to continue to maintain and improve these projects, so that others may not have to suffer as I have.